Have you ever felt it's hard to shake off a confronting, negative interaction with a stranger, co-worker, family member, or friend? The conversation is over, but that icky feeling still lingers. Those lingering feelings accumulate if you've never cleared out this funky energy. Think about all the decades of energetic gunk that has built up, magnetizing more of the same to you.
Your energy boundaries are porous by design; your energy mingles with the people you love, animals, the planet, and even the inanimate objects in your life. This energy exchange only becomes problematic when it gets stuck and causes blockages in the flow of energy through your system. Ultimately, energy blockages can lead to disease of the mind, body, and spirit.
Healthy Energy Boundaries are essential to feeling grounded and healthy.
Energy Hygiene is as essential to your health and well-being as a morning shower. Energy hygiene is the practice of clearing your energy body to gain emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. The techniques for cleansing your energy system release resentments, worn-out patterns, and old beliefs and allow you the freedom to create your life in the present time.
In this highly interactive and experiential workshop, you will learn powerful energy-healing tools and techniques to ground and cleanse your energy system and create strong, healthy boundaries with tools and techniques you can use immediately to transform your daily life.
Whether you're an empath, a highly sensitive person, or simply looking to improve your energetic boundaries, this event is for you!
What are energy boundaries? Your energy boundary comprises an egg-shaped biofield (aura) that encapsulates your physical body, protecting and differentiating your subtle body from others and your environment.
The subtle body describes the energy systems surrounding and intersecting the physical body, consisting of channels that run the life force throughout the body and energy centers that allow the flow of energy in and out of the physical and energy body. Simply put, the subtle body is the connection between material and spiritual energy.
What can I expect in the workshop?
In this experiential and interactive course, through a dynamic mix of easy-to-follow Guided Energy Healing meditations, lectures, and class discussions, you will learn in real-time practical and effective Energy Healing tools and techniques you can use immediately in your daily life to to clear and heal your mind, body, and spirit and bring you vibrant and radiant health.
This vibrant and dynamic live group setting allows you to ask questions and get immediate clarifications and on-the-spot feedback, which creates a profoundly rich and powerful learning environment.
This course centers Queer/trans and nonbinary world views and community. Unlike most psychic schools that teach energy work, you will never be forced into a gender binary or have your gender and sexuality assumed. All genders and all allies are welcome.
Online 2 hr class via interactive Zoom class
Benefits and Outcomes
· Strong healthy boundaries
· Clarity of mind
· Feel grounded and present
· Transformed relationships with self and others
· Increase self-confidence and self-acceptance
· Reduce stress and anxiety
· Release old, worn-out patterns and habits
· Heal relationships with people, money, and life path
· Align with your authentic self and manifest your desires
· A renewed sense of purpose in life
· A lightness in body and spirit
Live interactive online workshop via Zoom
Dates and Times
Sunday, November 12th, 9:30 am - 11:30 am PDT (120mins)
Sliding scale $85 - $45 (+fees)