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Energetic Boundaries Cleansing Meditation (10min)
Energy hygiene is the practice of clearing and cleansing your subtle body* to gain emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. It is as vital to your health and well-being as your morning shower.
Your energy body is porous by design; your energy mingles with the people you love, animals, the planet, and even the inanimate objects in your life.
Have you ever felt it's hard to shake off a confronting, negative interaction with a co-worker, family member, or friend? The conversation is over, but that icky feeling still lingers.
Those lingering feelings accumulate if you've never cleared out this funky energy. Ultimately stuck energy causes blockages in the flow of energy through your system and leads to diseases of the mind, body, and spirit.
*The term subtle body describes the energy systems surrounding and intersecting the physical body - such as aura/biofield/channels/meridians/and energy centers/chakras
For this meditation, find a quiet place to sit with your feet firmly planted on the ground.
You will ground and run the energy of the earth and the gold healing energy of the universe to cleanse and align your whole subtle body system.